Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Loot from The Violet Barn!!


Bought 9 African violets from The Violet Barn in the US to be shipped to Singapore:
This is the packing list.

The box that contains my treasure!

Lovingly packed by Rob

Plants safely cushioned in all the wool

My 9 gems

My timeframe. 

-Order made on 7 Aug 2014
-Phytosanitary prepared on 11 Aug 2014
-Shipped from the US on 19 Aug 2014
-Arrived at the sort facility at ISC NY on 20 Aug 2014 before MIAing until 23 Aug 2014
-Arrived Singapore on a Saturday morning 23 Aug 2014
-Finally transferred to customs on monday evening 25 Aug 2014 
-I called up AVA on Wednesday afternoon 12:26noon 27 Aug 2014 for collection.

Total took 20 days for ordering to collection. I have a good impression so far. If my plants do well, I might order from The Violet Barn again!

Update 8/9/2014:

My 'Bewitching Blue*' succumbed to crown rot and  Passed away today. I tried to save a leaf, but I trimmed too hard and there wasn't much left to save. Shit >.< Nvm, i'm gonna pick it back out from the bin and try.
8/9/2014: Single Bewitching Blue leaf in a modified styrofoam cup containing water and H2O2. Leaf was wiped  with H2O2 beforehand.

Top view:

Thankfully my 'Blue Dragon' has begun growing a root. So happy.

Update 12/9/2014:

My Wrangler's Jealous Jewels have grown 2 tiny roots, each 1mm or smaller. I hope they didn't die from my 5s viewing.

Update 29/9/2014:

I should not have opened the bags to kaypoh and check. Now those hard grown roots have rotted away.
AVs in plastic bags (I do not recommend plastic bags in the future. Use the tabao boxes instead.

I swapped to tabao boxes

Update 9/10/2014:

Not much change for the other plants, but Ma's Ching Dynasty's pot is giving off a faint rancid smell. And the leaves still look floppy.
I've decided to remove it from the plastic container and place it along the window.

Space for future posts

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